

星期六晚一個人在家開著電視卻專心看著報紙。。突然被一段熟悉的旋律吸引。。原來是《小香姑》選舉表演嘉賓在唱著一首超過三十年的金曲 《What is a YOUTH?》 ~ 這是68年版電影《Romeo & Juliet》風靡一時的主題曲。可恨表演嘉賓把聲唱不到這歌卻勉強唱出,而且還用她唱時下流行歌的那種哭笑難分的唱腔高唱,難聽恐怖!救命!直把成首歌唱壞了。。

What is a Youth

What is a youth?
Impetuous fire.
What is a maid?
Ice and desire.
The world wags on, a rose will bloom....
It then will fade:
so does a youth,
so does the fairest maid.
Comes a time when one sweet smile has a season for a while....
Then love's in love with me.
Some they think only to marry,
others will tease and tarry.
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid he rules us all.
Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
Death will come soon to hush us along.
Sweeter than honey... and bitter as gall,
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Cupid rules us all.

在電影中,羅生同茱小姐就在這首歌的歌聲中邂逅熱戀,其宿命性的悲劇便在這悲歌中開始。。桔早幾年為這首歌,傻到要越洋在英國那邊訂電影原聲 CD 回來哩!


1 則留言:

Carrie 說...

那首歌是叫"A Time for Us"? 我聽楊小姐唱聽到想死呀!李先生有唱功但係都唔適合唱Opera Song...

我成日同阿媽講,我是但都搵到個朋友靚過D X姐。